
Welcome to Bethel Township

Located in the southeast corner of Miami County Ohio, Bethel Township was established in 1807.School

Charged with responsibility for the health, safety and welfare, Bethel Township responds to the needs of its residents and businesses with a commitment to Quality of Life, Planned Growth, and Dedication to Community.




7/22/24: Miami County Planning and Zoning is asking for your input into the county's comprehensive plan update that will define our community's vision, goals, and action plan for shaping the future of Miami County.

Scan the QR code in the ad to the left for more information or visit!

We are a little short-staffed at the moment in the office and coverage at the Township building will be intermittent.
Should you have any questions, needs, or would like an appointment, please call one of the Trustees for assistance:

Kama Dick 937-219-7521 (Road & Zoning needs)
Julie Reese 512-632-9310 (Administrative needs)
Beth van Haaren 937-477-0289

Please send Administration related requests to

Please send Zoning related requests to

Fire and Emergency Services are NOT affected.

7/24/24: Third quarter newsletter is available electronically here - snail mailed paper copies should be on your doorstep in the very near future.


Meeting Notices

  • Trustee Meeting
  • Board Of Zoning Appeals
  • Zoning Commission

Meeting Notice

The Trustees will meet in a Work Session
at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 30, 2024
at 8735 S. Second St., Tipp City, Ohio

Click HERE for the 2024 Trustee Meeting Schedule

Agendas for meetings will be posted
24 hours prior to meeting time.

Click Here for the 7/30 Agenda & Attachments

The Bethel Township Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) has no requests, therefore, will not meet in August.

Click Here for the 1/25 Agenda

The Bethel Township Zoning Commission (ZC) has no requests, therefore, will not meet in August.

Click Here for the ZC 5/23 Agenda