- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
Resolutions & Motions 2025 - posted after they have been motioned, voted, and signed
Resolution# | Description |
25-01-001 | appoint Trustee Reese president of the board |
25-01-002 | appoint Trustee Kama Dick vice president of the board |
25-01-003 | set meeting times for 2025 |
25-01-004 | MVRPC dues |
25-01-005 | debris collection sites |
25-01-006 | assign various duties for 2025 |
25-01-007 | OTARMA insurance |
25-01-008 | appoint Lorna Furderer ZC |
25-01-009 | employ Peter Griggs attorney (replaced by 25-03-025) |
25-01-010 | record electronic payments & warrants 12/1-12/31/24 |
25-02-011 | skipped resolution #011 |
25-02-012 | MCTA & OTA membership dues payment |
25-02-013 | policy to set cell phone reimbursement rates |
25-02-014 | record electronic payments & warrants 1/1-1/31/25 |
25-02-015 | payment for medic |
2025-02-25: motion to increase the appropriation for capital outlay account 2281-760-700-0000 for 2025 by $120,000 from the EMS fund for the medic | |
2025-02-25: motion to increase the appropriation for legal services account 1000-110-311-0000 for 2025 to $25,000 from the General Fund | |
25-03-016 | resignation Jacob Cline |
25-03-017 | appoint Rachael Kiplinger BZA |
25-03-018 | appoint Rachelle Via BZA |
25-03-019 | re-appoint Michelle Swank ZC |
25-03-020 | re-appoint Jess Underwood ZC alternate |
25-03-021 | approve 2024 appropriation transfers & re-allocations |
25-03-022 | supplemental appropriation for medic |
25-03-023 | supplemental appropriation for legal fund |
25-03-024 | employ McTigue & Colombo attorneys and contract |
25-03-025 | employ Peter Griggs attorney (correct rates)(replaces 25-01-009) |
25-03-026 | authorize Singer Rd tree trimming and contract (replaces 24-07-072) |
25-03-027 | policy for surplus disposal |
25-03-028 | record electronic payments & warrants 2/1-2/28/2025 |
Resolutions 2024 - posted after they have been motioned, voted, and signed
Resolution# | Description |
24-01-001 | appoint Rhonda Ross as Fiscal Officer |
24-01-002 | Pat Quillen consultant contract |
24-01-003 | appoint Trustee Julie Reese president of the board |
24-01-004 | appoint Trustee Kama Dick vice president of the board |
24-01-005 | appoint Cathy Fortunato assistant to the Fiscal Officer |
24-01-006 | appoint acting township adminstrator |
24-01-007 | salaries for trustees and fiscal officer for 2024 |
24-01-008 | set meeting times for 2024 |
24-01-009 | OTARMA insurance |
24-01-010 | MVRPC dues |
24-01-011 | appoint MVRPC reps |
24-01-012 | appoint MVRPC tech committee rep |
24-01-013 | appoint Miami County Council reps |
24-01-014 | appoint Fire Fighters' dependents fund reps |
24-01-015 | debris collection sites |
24-01-016 | appoint Mike Arnold debris manager |
24-01-017 | assign various duties for 2024 |
24-01-018 | HSA payment schedule change |
24-01-019 | Ohio Checkbook monthly |
24-01-020 | appoint Kama Dick annexation liaison |
24-01-021 | Richard Ford consultant contract |
24-01-022 | eliminate administrative assistant to the fire chief position |
24-02-023 | Huber annexation opposition |
24-02-024 | attorney John Albers |
24-02-025 | appoint Nikki O'Quinn BZA |
24-02-026 | appoint Rachael Kiplinger BZA alternate |
24-02-027 | appoint Lorna Furderer ZC alternate |
24-02-028 | pay rate increase for Mike Arnold, zoning director |
24-02-029 | fair and equitable health care contributions |
24-02-030 | health insurance termination timing (TABLED for revisions) |
24-02-030 | health insurance termination timing |
24-02-031 | make $2 hazard pay permanent increase |
24-02-032 | record electronic payments & warrants 12/23/2023-2/3/2024 |
24-03-033 | begin zoning text amendments |
24-03-034 | record electronic payments & warrants 2/4-3/4/2024 |
24-03-035 | adopt permanent appropriations |
24-04-036 | James Durham rezoning |
24-04-037 | resignation of Deborah Watson EMT |
24-04-038 | resignation of Joseph Bordas FF |
24-04-039 | township association dues |
24-04-040 | cardiac monitors and cpr devices |
24-04-041 | Jon Roach Attorney, engagement letter |
24-04-042 | playground equipment - postponed until June 4 |
24-04-043 | mini dump lighting package - ARPA |
24-04-044 | record electronic payments & warrants 3/5-3/31/2024 |
24-04-045 | backhoe repairs |
24-04-046 | paving program |
24-05-047 | resignation of Mike Arnold Asst to Twp Admin & Zoning Dir |
24-05-048 | re-assign Mike's duties |
24-05-049 | hire Kenny Rust FF |
24-05-050 | health insurance |
24-05-051 | fire chief stipend for Josh Schiebrel |
24-05-052 | Woodward Hill waterline and W.Charleston gravity sewer |
24-05-053 | Richard Ford consultant contract increase |
24-05-054 | record electronic payments & warrants 4/1-5/3/2024 |
24-05-055 | Miami County 9-1-1 plan |
24-06-056 | Bruce Flora rezoning |
24-06-057 | Jason Wilson rezoning |
24-06-058 | Mike Arnold accrued vacay & sick leave pay-out |
24-06-059 | resignation of Billy Mannheim road department |
24-06-060 | hire Eric Campbell road department - seasonal |
24-06-061 | Hustler mowers purchase - ARPA |
24-06-062 | playground equipment purchase - ARPA |
24-06-063 | outside legal counsel engagement |
24-06-064 | restrict cannabis cultivators and processors |
24-06-065 | impose cannabis moratorium |
24-06-066 | record electronic payments & warrants 5/4-5/31/2024 |
24-07-067 | massage parlor regulations |
24-07-068 | backhoe repair increase in not to exceed amount |
24-07-069 | purchase large diameter fire hose - ARPA |
24-07-070 | purchase steel doors for road dept building |
24-07-071 | employ Peter Griggs attorney |
24-07-072 | authorize Singer Rd tree trimming |
24-07-073 | road worker Eric Campbell pay rate correction |
24-07-074 | Pisgah & Agenbroad ditch repair |
24-07-075 | Gibson Rd sinkhole repair |
24-07-076 | record electronic payments & warrants 6/1-6/30/2024 |
24-07-077 | tax budget 2025 |
24-08-078 | paving agreement w/Miami County and contract |
Change Order #1 | paving change order #1 |
24-08-079 | fire department personnel pay rate increase - GRANT funding |
24-08-080 | cemetery rate schedule |
24-08-081 | appoint Eric Campbell road worker - full time |
24-08-082 | record electronic payments & warrants 7/1-7/31/2024 |
24-09-083 | hire Ben Cahill fire chief |
24-09-084 | repairs to 2019 Ford medic |
24-09-085 | hire Marty Caskey zoning department seasonal worker |
24-09-086 | record electronic payments & warrants 8/1-8/31/2024 |
24-09-087 | 2025 certificate of estimated resources and 2024 rates & amounts |
24-10-088 | resignation Gerald Leach FF |
24-10-089 | resignation Jason Jasper FF |
24-10-090 | resignation Samuel Sortman FF |
24-10-091 | fire hose tester and drafting supplies purchase |
24-10-092 | MCEO paving prep work payment |
24-10-093 | record electronic payments & warrants 9/1-9/30/24 |
24-11-094 | Allan and Cassandra Rea rezoning in Brandt |
24-11-095 | resignation Kenny Rust FF |
24-11-096 | resignation Amier Salah FF |
24-11-097 | resignation Marty Caskey zoning |
24-11-098 | reinstate Samuel Sortman FF |
24-11-099 | hire Brandon Dietz FF |
24-11-100 | hire Cyrus Broyles FF |
24-11-101 | hire Kevin Stephens FF |
24-11-102 | firefighter helmet & gear purchase - ARPA |
24-11-103 | rubber mulch for playground purchase - ARPA |
24-11-104 | replacement tools for road dept purchase - ARPA |
24-11-105 | west charleston road repairs |
24-11-106 | supplemental appropriation for FF raise - GRANT |
24-11-107 | rock salt sales to Bethel Local Schools |
24-11-108 | nuisance parcel A03-005420 |
24-11-109 | record electronic payments & warrants 10/1-10/31/24 |
24-12-110 | hire Jesse Garcia FF |
24-12-111 | reinstate Joseph Bordas FF |
24-12-112 | sheriff's contract payment authorization 2025 |
contract | sheriff's contract |
24-12-113 | bonuses |
24-12-114 | staff salary increases |
24-12-115 | FF salary increases |
24-12-116 | set salaries for elected officials |
24-12-117 | salt barn repair |
24-12-118 | FF gear purchase |
24-12-119 | supplemental appropriation for FF raise - correction - GRANT |
24-12-120 | 2025 temporary appropriations |
24-12-121 | OTA reimbursement limits |
24-12-122 | restrict adult use cannabis and medical marijuana dispensaries to zero |
24-12-123 | record electronic payments & warrants 11/1-11/30/24 |
24-12-124 | appoint Cody Smith Twp Administrator / Planning & Zoning Director |
Resolutions 2023 - this tab is under construction.
Resolutions are listed only to allow for searching at this time - please contact the Township Fiscal Officer for a copy of the official resolution
Resolution# | Description |
23-01-001 | appoint Trustee Black president of the board |
23-01-002 | appoint Trustee van Haaren vice president of the board |
23-01-003 | Geoffrey Beams rezoning |
23-01-004 | salaries for trustees and fiscal officer for 2023 |
23-01-005 | set meeting times for 2023 |
23-01-006 | MVRPC dues |
23-01-007 | appoint MVRPC reps |
23-01-008 | appoint MVRPC tech committee rep |
23-01-009 | appoint Miami County Council reps |
23-01-010 | appoint Fire Fighters' dependents fund reps |
23-01-011 | debris collection sites |
23-01-012 | appoint twp admin as the debris manager |
23-01-013 | assign various duties for 2023 |
23-01-014 | appoint Michelle Swank ZC to replace Bill Serra |
23-01-015 | do not re-appoint Lorna Furderer to the ZC |
23-01-016 | re-appoint Darrin Anderson BZA |
23-01-017 | appoint Nikki O'Quinn BZA alternate |
23-01-018 | appoint no one as a ZC alternate |
23-01-019 | record electronic payments 1041-1054 & warrants 53720-53735 |
23-01-020 | appoint Jerry Hirt ZC |
23-01-021 | OTARMA insurance |
23-01-022 | textMyGov 2 year agreement |
23-02-023 | record electronic payments 01-79 & warrants 53736-53769 |
23-02-024 | purchase three new garage door openers |
23-02-025 | direct zoning commission to review and recommend possible changes to the zoning resolution (zoning code) |
23-02-026 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-02-027 | opinion from Ohio Atty General for 14 day referendum window |
23-02-028 | hire special council to represent the twp in referendum situation |
23-02-029 | initiate Bowman rezoning R-1AAA back to A-2 |
23-02-030 | $2 hazard pay for FF/EMTs (ARPA) for remainder of 2023 and year 2024 |
23-02-031 | purchase SCBA fill station for the FD - partial GRANT |
23-02-032 | purchase SCBA cylinders for the FD - partial GRANT |
23-03-033 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-03-034 | accept 2023 amended official cert of estimated resources |
23-03-035 | hire Joseph Bordas, Joseph DuFord, Brandyn Mason, Samuel Sortman, and Brian McKellar as FF/EMT |
23-03-036 | support FLOCK cameras |
23-03-037 | pay MCTA dues |
23-03-038 | adopt permanent appropriations for 2023 |
23-03-039 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-04-040 | emergency repairs to FD engine 40 |
23-04-041 | zoning text change health and wellness facility |
23-04-042 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-04-043 | zoning text change short-term rental |
23-04-044 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-05-045 | rezoning bowman from R-1AAA back to A-2 |
23-05-046 | approve trustee meeting policy |
23-05-047 | purchase fire safety house |
23-05-048 | Anthem health care for officials and full time employees |
23-05-049 | record electronic payments 357-411 & warrants 53899-53929 |
23-05-050 | annexation agreement with Huber Heights |
23-05-051 | promotions for FF Mike Arnold, Terry Weldon, Ben Cahill |
23-05-052 | record electronic payments 412-451 & warrants 53923-53941 |
23-06-053 | adopt alternative tax budget |
23-06-054 | adopt tax budget for 2024 |
23-06-055 | Katherine Ward rezoning |
23-06-056 | record electronic payments 452-537 & warrants 53942-53984 |
23-07-057 | designate Bethel Township as a Bee City USA affiliate |
23-07-058 | record electronic payments 537-623 & warrants 53967-54013 |
23-08-059 | approve supplemental amounts to the revenue budget |
23-08-060 | supplemental appropriations |
23-08-061 | record electronic payments 625-723 & warrants 54015-54079 |
23-09-062 | Geoffrey Beams rezoning on Scarff Rd. |
23-09-063 | Christine Miller rezoning on Ross Rd. |
23-09-064 | accept 2024 official certificate |
23-09-065 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-09-066 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-10-067 | sheriff contract for 2024 |
23-10-068 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-10-069 | resignation Stacey McKenzie as assistant to the Fiscal Officer |
23-10-070 | document Bethel Township's official name, place, and year established |
23-10-071 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-11-072 | resignation Anna Ludwick FF |
23-11-073 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-11-074 | one time pay supplement bonus to all employees |
23-11-075 | purchase 2023 Ford F550 mini dump truck - ARPA |
23-11-076 | purchase enclosed sure-trac trailer - ARPA |
23-11-077 | purchase battery powered positive pressure fans - ARPA |
23-11-078 | purchase two rapid intervention packs - ARPA |
23-11-079 | purchase five motorola mobile and three portable radios - ARPA |
23-11-080 | purchase 12'x24' storage shed - ARPA |
23-11-081 | purchase replacement furniture for the FF crew - ARPA |
23-11-082 | purchase thirty new pairs firefighting boots - ARPA |
23-11-083 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-11-084 | Iron Workers rezoning on 40 |
23-12-085 | Katherine Sonnanstine rezoning on 202 |
23-12-086 | pay rate increase for full time road workers |
23-12-087 | record electronic payments & warrants |
23-12-088 | approve supplemental appropriation of $40,000 |
23-12-089 | amend final year end appropriations |
23-12-090 | adopt permanent appropriations from 2023 as the temporary appropriations for 2024 |
23-12-091 | appoint Josh Schiebrel as interim fire chief |
23-12-092 | record electronic payments & warrants |
Resolutions 2022 - this tab is under construction.
Resolutions are listed only to allow for searching at this time - please contact the Township Fiscal Officer for a copy of the official resolution
Resolution# | Description |
22-01-001 | appoint Trustee Black president of the board |
22-01-002 | appoint Trustee van Haaren vice president of the board |
22-01-003 | set salaries for trustees and fiscal officer for 2022 |
22-01-004 | set meeting times for 2022 |
22-01-005 | MVRPC dues |
22-01-006 | appoint MVRPC reps |
22-01-007 | appoint MVRPC tech committee rep |
22-01-008 | appoint Miami County Council reps |
22-01-009 | appoint Fire Fighters' dependents fund reps |
22-01-010 | debris collection sites |
22-01-011 | appoint twp admin as the debris manager |
22-01-012 | assign various duties for 2022 |
22-01-013 | record electronic payments 1076-1100 & warrants 53170-53200 |
22-01-014 | appoint Zach Staudter BZA, expires 12/31/2026 |
22-01-015 | appoint Pete Mannheim BZA alternate, expires 12/31/2026 |
22-01-016 | appoint Ron Corbett ZC, expires 12/31/2026 |
22-01-017 | OTARMA insurance |
22-01-018 | electronic payments 01-71 & warrants 53201-53210 |
22-01-019 | accept 2021 final year amended official certificate of estimated resources |
22-01-020 | hire Ricky Davis FF |
22-01-021 | electronic payments 72-111 & warrants 53211-53239 |
22-01-022 | hire attorney Peter Griggs |
22-02-023 | agreement with Five Rivers MetroParks for land acquisition |
22-02-024 | appoint Trustee Black liaison to Five Rivers MetroParks |
22-02-025 | appoint Trustee van Haaren liaison to atty Peter Griggs |
22-02-026 | initiate zoning text amendments |
22-02-027 | resignation of Lt. Nick Halter FF |
22-02-028 | record electronic payments 72-141 & warrants 53211-53239 |
22-03-028 | object to Huber Heights annexation of ~260 acres |
22-03-029 | oppose annexation throughout the township |
22-03-030 | contract JT Development Consulting or land use plan updates |
22-03-031 | supplemental rate certificate for police levy |
22-03-032 | record electronic payments 143-174 & warrants 53241-53276 |
22-03-033 | adopt permanent appropriations for 2022 |
22-03-034 | record electronic payments 176-224 & warrants 53225-53320 |
22-04-035 | TIP corner of Scarff Rd & New Carlisle Rd |
22-04-036 | Asim Shakirian rezoning from A-2 to B-2 on 40 |
22-04-037 | record electronic payments 225-301 & warrants 53294-53354 |
22-04-038 | use standard allowance for revenue loss for ARPA funds |
22-04-039 | record electronic payments 273-301 & warrants 53555-53378 |
22-05-040 | contract anthem health insurance |
22-05-041 | record electronic payments 304-346 & warrants 53379-53384 |
22-05-042 | ??? |
22-05-043 | ??? |
22-05-044 | ??? |
22-05-045 | ??? |
22-05-046 | approve trustee meeting policy |
22-05-047 | record electronic payments 347-377 & warrants 53395-53410 |
22-06-048 | declare 3.8 mill levy intention, replaced by 22-07-052 |
22-06-048 | declare 3.8 mill levy intention REPEALED, replaced by 22-07-052 |
22-06-049 | adopt alternative tax budget |
22-06-050 | waive adoption of 2023 tax budget |
22-06-051 | record electronic payments 378-448 & warrants 53411-53440 |
22-07-052 | declare 3.8 mill levy intention |
22-07-053 | necessity to levey a tax in excess of the 10 mill limitation |
22-07-054 | emergency repairs to roadside mower |
22-07-055 | retirement Jay Zimmerman FF |
22-07-056 | record electronic payments 450-533 & warrants 53441-53473 |
22-08-057 | changes to zoning resolution text (min lot size & road frontage) |
22-08-058 | rezoning for Taylor Shafer from B-3 to R-1AAA on Mann Rd |
22-08-059 | purchase fire hose and nozzles for the FD |
22-08-060 | record electronic payments 538-642 & warrants 53474-53511 |
22-08-061 | TIF on Scarff Rd and New Carlisle Rd |
22-08-062 | contract John R Jurgenson for re-paving |
22-09-063 | ??? |
22-09-064 | levy lighting assessments in Brandt |
22-09-065 | levy lightiing assessments in West Charleston |
22-09-066 | emergency repairs to FD rescue engine 40 |
22-09-067 | promote Cody Teegarden, Connor Whelan, Alan Davis to Lieutenant FF |
22-09-068 | record electronic payments 643-711 & warrants 53512-53570 |
22-10-069 | accept 2023 certificate of estimated resources, 2022 rates and amounts certification |
22-10-070 | rezoning Connie Houston from A-1 to R-1AAA on 40 |
22-10-071 | record electronic payments 714-793 & warrants 53571-53609 |
22-10-072 | rezoning for DA Bowman from A-2 to R-1AAA on Agenbroad and D-B |
22-10-073 | repaving contract amount increase |
22-10-074 | record electronic payments 712-835 & warrants 53571-53622 |
22-11-075 | resignation Brad Kennedy FF |
22-11-076 | resignation Jarrod Reilly FF |
22-11-077 | contract with sheriff's office for 2023 |
22-11-078 | one-time pay supplement (bonus) for employees and fire officers |
22-11-079 | record electronic payments & warrants |
22-12-080 | initiate rezoning Bowman from R-1AAA back to A-2 on Agenbroad and D-B |
22-12-081 | resignation Brian McKellar FF |
22-12-082 | salary increases for full time employees |
22-12-083 | record electronic payments & warrants |
22-12-084 | purchase fire gear |
22-12-085 | award bid for SCBA airpacks for FD |
22-12-086 | purchase SCBA airpacks for FD |
22-12-087 | amend final year end appropriations |
22-12-088 | adopt perm appropriations from 2022 as temp for 2023 |
22-12-089 | record electronic payments & warrants |